Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Painted for the PaintMyPhoto Cat Art Group - Feb/Mar Challenge

PanPastels and Pastel Pencils on Mi-Teintes paper

This was painted for the Wet Canvas, Animal & Wildlife January Challenge

PanPastels on black Mi-Teintes Paper

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

This was completed using PanPastels on Mi-Teintes paper.
I wanted to see how much of the pastel painting I could do using just Pans, and was able to complete most of it.  I added a little pastel pencil to strengthen the edges of some of the  rose petals, as I was finishing the painting.  Quite pleased with the way it turned out.

PanPastels on blue Mi-Teintes paper

My Christmas Card for Christmas 2016

Pastel painting,  berries with a digi border